My Mission

I am on a mission to watch the 100 greatest movies of all time, and watch them all in the next six months. Each film will be rated in 3 categories:
1) How much I like the move will be rated from 0-5.
2) "Would I own it?"
3) "Would I recommend it to someone else?"

Total Time Spent Watching Movies

129 hr. 56 min. 28 sec.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Searchers (1956)

Have you ever fallen asleep watching a show and then when you wake up you are completely lost? "How did they end up in that water filled garbage disposal? I thought Luke was going to look for R2-D2 in the desert." you say to yourself. The movie seems to have jumped inexplicably (or at least that's how you perceive it) and it scares and confuses you. This is what happened to me while watching The Searchers, both figuratively and literally.

The Searchers is about two cowboys who will stop at nothing to hunt down the rogue Comanche Native Americans that killed their relatives, except for one daughter who they took with them. How can they make this situation better? Two words: Stockholm Syndrome. Now I know what you're thinking, "This sounds like a pretty sweet show." WRONG! It was a deadly combination of terrible acting and bad timing with just a hint of boring. By "hint" I actually mean "a whole truck load."

While watching this movie I fell asleep 6 times. Each time I would wake up and be completely confused. The plot, to me, seemed to jump around with no rhyme or reason. I would blame my confusion on my dozing off, rewind the movie, and start again. I repeated this process several times until I decided to drink a Coke and start again. I made it through the whole movie without falling asleep only to find that the plot actually DID jump around with no rhyme or reason.

When my brother-in-law asked me what I thought of the movie I responded simply, "It was so stupid!" I could try to put more filler into this review, but to be honest that sentence sums it up pretty well. I think it is a good note to end on.

The bottom line:
Rating: 2.0
Would I own it? You're joking right?
Would I recommend it? Hell no.