My Mission

I am on a mission to watch the 100 greatest movies of all time, and watch them all in the next six months. Each film will be rated in 3 categories:
1) How much I like the move will be rated from 0-5.
2) "Would I own it?"
3) "Would I recommend it to someone else?"

Total Time Spent Watching Movies

129 hr. 56 min. 28 sec.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mission Statement

I am on a mission. A mission to be classified with such greats as Siskel, Ebert, and the Moviefone guy. I am on a mission to watch the 100 greatest movies of all time. The American Film Institute, or AFI, has made a list of these movies and I am going to watch them all in the next six months. Even the movies that I have seen before (30 to be exact) will be watched again, in the order that the list specifies. I am a full-time student, and a part-time bus driver, so time is short. Despite the challenges that this task will have I will see it through to the end. Each film will be rated in 3 categories:
1) How much I like the move will be rated from 0-5.
2) The question "Would I own it?" will be answered.
3) The question "Would I recommend it to someone else?" will be answered.
Hopefully these categories will help you decide whether or not to watch the movies. Won't you come with me on this adventure?


  1. I'm a little grossed out that you know off the top of your head which movies Sinbad has been in.
