My Mission

I am on a mission to watch the 100 greatest movies of all time, and watch them all in the next six months. Each film will be rated in 3 categories:
1) How much I like the move will be rated from 0-5.
2) "Would I own it?"
3) "Would I recommend it to someone else?"

Total Time Spent Watching Movies

129 hr. 56 min. 28 sec.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) *Gillian Pick*

As I have often said, I did not have much of an imagination as a child. If my G.I. Joe was missing an arm I could not pretend that his arm was there. Instead he had lost it in battle somehow (that is if I played with him at all). When I wanted to be one of my heroes, whether it be Dick Tracey or Indiana Jones, I couldn't get past the fact that my shirt had a picture on it and their shirts did not. I would go so far as to turn my shirt inside out so that I could use my makeshift whip without worrying about the Harley riding duck on my shirt. Sadly my imagination hasn't gotten better, but at least my love for Indiana Jones has not diminished.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is the first installment in a series of great films. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. is an archaeologist who, thanks to his OSS training, is able to survive some hairy situations. Raiders of the Lost Ark takes place during WWII, and follows Indiana as he looks for the Ark of the Covenant, hoping to find it before the Nazis do.

It's important to note that none of the stories in the Indiana Jones series are very believable. The viewer is able to overlook this fact because the dialogue is super funny, the action is superb, naturally people want a story that shows someone triumph over Nazis to be true, and religious beliefs come into play because the object of interest is some sort of religious artifact. Rather than focus on making a movie soaked in realism, the movies do a perfect job of melting scientific logic with the religious to make a fun family favorite.

You know something is good if it gets spoofed by Weird Al. Check out this clip from the great 80's movie UHF.

If it hasn't been made perfectly clear, I love this movie! To be honest, The Last Crusade is my favorite movie in the series, but Raiders of the Lost Ark is still one of my favorite movies ever. It is a must see.

The Bottom Line:
Rating: 4.8
Would I own it? Absolutely! I love Indiana Jones!
Would I recommend it? I'd be crazy not to.

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