My Mission

I am on a mission to watch the 100 greatest movies of all time, and watch them all in the next six months. Each film will be rated in 3 categories:
1) How much I like the move will be rated from 0-5.
2) "Would I own it?"
3) "Would I recommend it to someone else?"

Total Time Spent Watching Movies

129 hr. 56 min. 28 sec.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Some Like It Hot (1959)

Prohibition was probably one of the biggest mistakes in American history. I don't know who thought that was going to work but there is no way that Americans will ever give up the sauce. I'm reminded of a wise thing that Tom Green said in the movie "Stealing Harvard": "One way or another those kids were gonna get drunk. Maybe they would have drank mouth wash or sniffed model glue, but you know they wanted beer. Those are good honest kids John. They deliver newspapers, return old pop bottles all week, they deserve to unwind and get drunk. It's all part of the American dream." On the other hand, had prohibition never existed then Some Like It Hot may have never been made.

Some Like it Hot takes place in Chicago during prohibition. Two struggling musicians are in a desperate dash for work after the club they play in gets shut down for alcohol. As with any police raid in that time the police got their information from a squealer. And as with any gangster in that time "Spats", the owner of the club, got his revenge on that squealer. Well it just so happens that our two heroes witnessed this murder and need to get out of town fast. What do they do? They dress up like girls and join a girls band headed to Florida. What follows is constant pandemonium as these manly men try to pass off for women. After all, what's funnier than cross-dressers?

This movie wouldn't be complete without a love story, and so to add a little sizzle to this film the casting directors very wisely brought in Marilyn Monroe for some sex appeal. If you don't know who Marilyn Monroe is then I say to you, "What have you been living under a rock? Well go look her up bookworm." The truth is Marilyn Monroe is one of the sexiest women to ever live, second only to Moms Mabley.
Many men have fantasized about her (Marilyn not Moms). I thought it only fitting that for this entry I would pay tribute to Marilyn and will do so with the song "Candle in the Wind" by Elton John. All of you uncultured swine that think this song was written for Princes Di let me say this, "DON'T BE STUPID!!! THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN FOR MARILYN!!! IT WAS ONLY LATER THAT HE REWROTE THE SONG FOR DIANA!!!" Having said that here is the song:

I love this movie. I have seen it several times, and it gets better every time. I think it is more important in both Marilyn Monroe history and movie history than The Seven Year Itch. Maybe I'm biased because I love the time period that it is set in. Something about gangsters with Tommy Guns makes me wanna jump for joy. Whatever the reason, this is a great film.

The bottom line:
Rating: 4.7
Would I own it? Someday I plan on it.
Would I recommend it? Why would you even ask me that? I said it was good!

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